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Risa Praptono - Aryani Indrastati

Chief Editor – Editorial Team iSafety Magazine

As a magazine that has long been promoting Occupational Health and Safety (K3) in Indonesia, we hope that Safe Work Indonesia will be even better next year. We expect that the Safe Work Indonesia Exhibition will become an integral part of the transformation toward better K3 practices and the development of a K3 culture in Indonesia

Ir. Satrio Pratomo, M. App. Sc

Vice Chairman Advisory Board INOSHPRO

I am truly very impressed; this grand launching is absolutely incredible. It has been extremely helpful for INOSHPRO and makes us even prouder that the confederation of professional organizations in Indonesia, with 48 member organizations, is becoming more solid and its existence is increasingly recognized.
This is a very synergistic and excellent collaboration for the future, not only for the industries involved in the Safe Work association at this exhibition, but also for every aspect of life within the occupational safety and health (K3) industry, as it plays a role in every activity.

Dr. dr. Sudi Astono, MS (MKK)

Executive Secretary INOSHPRO

This collaboration is very synergistic because Safe Work Indonesia is the largest and first-ever Occupational Health and Safety (K3) exhibition in Indonesia, and it is highly relevant to the need for K3 implementation across all sectors. These sectors are represented by various professional organizations, including K3 experts, construction, mining industry, hygiene, health, chemical, ergonomics, and so on. So, this is very collaborative, highly productive, and very relevant.